Frequently Asked Questions

Here is where you will find the answer to any questions regarding the beauty treatments and products we provide. If there are any questions you still have please call or email us.


Does waxing hurt?

Waxing can be a little uncomfortable especially in sensitive areas like top lip or bikini line. Discomfort should only last a few seconds and decrease with regular treatments as the hair becomes softer and you become used to the sensation. Its nothing like the videos you see on the internet!

What can I do to get the best results from my wax?

Its a great idea before waxing to make sure that the skin is in good condition. Exfoliate and moistures the skin the day before your wax and regularly between waxes especially if skin is very dry or flakey.

Will I be left really red afterwards?

Everyone's skin reacts differently to being waxed, it is normal to be a little pink right after and is normally gone within an hour. Some people go really red and its gone within ten minutes and others stay slightly pink for hours. That why we recommend not having waxing the day of a big event. 

I have a special event and I want to get waxed for the first time, when should I come in?

For a special event you ideally should have at least two waxes before the big day. This will get the most uncomfortable first wax out of the way and allows you to see how your skin reacts to the treatment. The wax just before our special event should be at least 24 hours before to allow any reaction to go.

Can I be waxed during my period?

Yes but please be aware that you may find it more uncomfortable during this time as skin is more sensitive. For bikini and Brazillian bikini line it can be advised to wait a week.

Can I be waxed as I'm pregnant?

Yes, again your skin will be more sensitive and for bikini waxing you maybe more uncomfortable due to your bump, so please keep us informed during the treatment on how you feel.

Do I have to get undressed to be waxed?

You only need to remove enough clothing to reveal the area to be waxed. During bikini line waxes you will keep your underwear on and during Brazilian waxes you can wear disposable underwear.

Will my hair come back thicker and darker?

No, in fact the opposite. The hair should come back thinner, lighter and softer with regular waxing.

How long does the hair have to be?

For facial hair 2-5mm. For body hair you ideally need between 5-10mm and bikini again 5-10mm. If you think your hair is too long and its your first wax please leave the hair and we will trim if needed and advise you over future appointments.

Can I go sunbathing or use a sunbed after waxing?

We advise against tanning just before and afterwaxing as this can irriate the skin. We can not wax burnt skin so please do not tan at least 24 hours before your wax and leave 24 hours before you go tanning to avoid irritation. 

When can I apply fake tan?

Obviously theres no point applying fake tan to your legs before a wax as the wax will remove it. You will need to leave at least 24 hours after your wax before you apply your tan to avoid skin irritations. 

Whats the age limit for a brazilian bikini line?

There isn't! If your happy to have it done Debbie is happy to do it. There is only a minimum age of 18.

I've heard of hot wax, whats the difference?

Hot or hard wax, sets and warm or cream wax doesnt and needs strips of material or paper to remove. We use warm honey wax for all over the body and especially for large areas like legs. Hot wax can be used all over the body but is better suited to smaller areas and is perfect for brazilian waxes.

Can I shave inbetween appointments?

No, please avoid shaving (like the plague) as this will disrupted the hair growth cycle and your next wax will not be as effective.


Do facials cause spots?

As facial are really detoxifying for the skin, you may notice that you get a spot or two come up, this is because the facial has drawn the impurities up through the skin to get rid of them. So yes, you may get a spot after your facial but you would have gotten the spot anyway, the facial just sped up the process.

After a facial will I be really red?
No you shouldn't be. Even our facials with the most active of ingredients are designed to leave your face looking fresh, clean and healthy not red and sore. The only time you may leave red is if you have had a reaction so please make sure you inform us of any allergies or sensitivities you may have before we start the facial.

Why should I have a facial? Can’t I just do the same at home?
A facial is not just rubbing a few creams into your face. During a facial you will have professional only products applied, a skin specialist looking at your skin and giving you advice but also enjoying the whole sensual experience to improve your skin and relax your mind.

Can I have a facial as I have allergies/sensitive skin?
Yes as we can adapt most facials to suit your needs. Please inform us of any severe allergies/sensitivities when booking your treatment so that we can advise you of the most suitable treatment. In some cases it might be advised that you come in to have some patch testing done to establish which products to avoid.

How often should I have a facial and how can I maintain my skin?
We recommend that you have a facial every 4-6 weeks as your skin does change throughout the month and if you have changed your skincare routine we can see if the products are working for your skin. Facials are also deep cleansing and detoxifying due to massage techniques used so can give your skin a real boost. Some facials are recommended that you have a course of treatments in order to receive prolonged results, you will be advised of this at the time of booking.

I wear make-up, do I have to remove it before my facial and can I put it straight back on afterwards?
You can remove your make-up before your treatment if you want to but we will cleanse it off during the treatment. We do though recommend that after your facial that you do not re-apply for a minimum of an hour. This allows the pores to closes, products to penetrate and avoid the risk of reaction or spots.

Facials are just for women?
Why would a facial only be for a woman? Most men are put off the idea of having a facial as they think that they will come out smelling femine. Elemis have a full range of skincare products dedicated to men and have designed facials just for them. The truth is that after having a facial the majority of men that have a facial really enjoy them, buy products to use at home and would have a facial again.

Does it hurt?
No. None of our facials are painful, they are designed to be relaxing. During the application of a few of the products you may feel a slight tingling sensation but they should never feel painful. If you do feel any discomfort just let your therapist know and they can remove it straight away.

I'm too old for a facial, it's too late for my skin.
You are never too late to start looking after your skin. Although you may not be able to reverse the signs of ageing you can improve the overall appearance and health of your skin and prevent further signs of neglect through a proper face care routine. 

I’m getting married or have a big event coming up, should I have a facial the day before?
Due to facials detoxifying properties it is not advised that you have a facial the day before any big event as it brings impurities up through the skin meaning it can bring out spots. We would also encourage you not to change your skincare routine just before a big event as again it could bring out spots and you risk having a reaction. Ideally you would start having regular facials 6 months before the big day. This give plenty of time to get you into the correct skincare routine for your skin, draws the impurities up through the skin and improves your skin's texture and appearance. We can also assist you in planning any other treatments you may want before your big day.

I'm pregnant, can I still have treatments?
Yes but there are somethings to consider when choosing your pampering. Firstly always tell your therapist you are pregnant so they can adjust your treatment accordingly as some treatments and products may be unsuitable. When choosing your treatments do consider how comfortable you are going to be, 3 hours of treatments may sound like bliss but if you are very heavily pregnant you may be uncomfortable sitting or lying down for long periods of time. For advice just ask us and we will be happy to help you choose.

Spa Body Treatments

What should I wear for a massage?
You can wear anything you like to your appointment but we advise that you wear comfy clothes and not white as sometimes oil can stain clothes.

Will I have to lie there naked?
You will be asked to remove only enough clothing for the treatment to be done for example if you are having a back massage you only need to remove your top half of clothing and maybe undo your waistband, although you may feel physically more comfortable if you take take off jeans. We will wrap you up in a blanket to keep you covered and cosy.

I'm pregnant, can I still have treatments?
Yes but there are somethings to consider when choosing your pampering. Firstly always tell your therapist you are pregnant so they can adjust your treatment accordingly as some treatments and products may be unsuitable. When choosing your treatments do consider how comfortable you are going to be, 3 hours of treatments may sound like bliss but if you are very heavily pregnant you may be uncomfortable sitting or lying down for long periods of time. For advice just ask us and we will be happy to help you choose.


How long does an eyelash or eyebrow tint last?
The average time is between 4-6 weeks, as everyone is different this does vary. Also like undyed hair it can be bleached by the sun so in the summer months you may notice you need to have them tinted more often.

Do I need a patch test before tinting?
Yes. Although most people will be absolutely fine with the tint some do get a reaction. This can happen even when someone has had it done before but may have been done with a different product. It is also advised that you may need to have another patch test if you haven't had it done for a long time as the body does change how it deals with things constantly. If you have any concerns just ask us.


What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis treats each hair follicle individually with a very fine, disposable sterile probe to permanently destroy each hair follicle’s ability to reproduce, eradicating hair growth on completion of a course of treatment. We mainly use a method called blend that uses two different methods (Galvanic and Thermolysis) to create a lasting result.

Is electrolysis a permanent hair removal method?
Electrolysis is the only medically approved form of permanent hair removal and the only one that will treat any hair type on any skin colour, male or female. Other methods like laser are hair reduction and not hair removal.

How many sessions will I need?
Everyone is different and so the amount of treatments needed is different. It will vary from person to person due to hair density, hair thickness, skin sensitivity and skin dryness. 
Not all hair grows at the same time and what appears to be a few hairs could actually be 30 hairs taking turns to come through this is why it is important to have regular treatments. Most people have treatments that are only 5 minutes long and this is the treatment time not the length of the appointment. 
You should be able to notice a difference in the hair growth after only a few treatments as the hair growth weakens and becomes softer and lighter in colour.

What areas can I have electrolysis?
Any! Basically anywhere you have unwanted hair we can remove it with electrolysis. The most common area is the face (upper lip and/or chin) as this is the area people find to be the most embarrassing as it’s visible to others. Larger areas like legs can be treated successfully but waxing may be considered a more affordable option.

Can I have electrolysis if I’m pregnant?
Yes you can as we can adjust the treatment while you are pregnant. Please inform us at the time of booking.

Does it hurt?
Pain is highly subjective, most people get a warming sensation or heat causing slight discomfort. This varies depending on the area being treated, hair and skin type and of course your pain threshold. You will probably find that you become used to the feeling after a few treatments.

How long does the hair need to be? I don’t like the idea of going around hairy between treatments.
If you can pull the hair out with tweezers, so can we. The hair only needs to be long enough for us to be able to pull it out after being treated, if you have to go longer between treats for whatever reason simple cut them down with a pair of scissors. Remember not to pluck them out as they won’t be there for us to treat them on your next appointment.

I have a friend that had electrolysis and it didn’t work for her.
There can be many reasons that people think that electrolysis didn’t work for them. They may have had only a few treatments, gone at irregular intervals or sadly had an inexperienced therapist. Sometimes if someone has a hormonal surge like pregnancy or the menopause this can trigger new hair growth, it is not the same hair follicles that were treated before as these can no longer produce hair. 

Hands and Feet

Do I need to remove my nail polish before I arrive?
No don’t worry you can leave it on, we have plenty of remover to get it off but you may want to remove glitter polish before, as these can be difficult to remove and this would use up your pampering time.

I’d like to have a manicure but my nails keep breaking.
Then this is a great time to have a manicure, we can tidy up your nails and advise you on how to improve the condition of your nails so that they don’t break in the future. You don’t have to have them painted if they are in bad condition but their appearance will be greatly improved.

I like the idea of a pedicure but I have very ugly feet.
Lets face it nobody likes their feet! We hide them away in shoes and forget about them but we only get one set of feet and we need to look after them. Pedicures are all about looking after your feet, cutting the nails properly, tidying the cuticles and removing hard skin with the bonus of a relaxing foot massage, moisturised skin and finishing off with a pretty colour that makes you smile.

How often should I have my nails done?
We would always recommend you have a regular pedicure all year round to ensure that your feet are healthy and looking their best. In the winter it can be a good idea to not paint the nails but to continue to treat the rest of the foot to give the nails a break from constant polish as this can dry them out.
During the summer you should have your nails done every 4-6 weeks and in the winter this could be extended to 6-8 weeks depending on how fast your nails grow or the amount of hard skin you suffer from.

Can I have a pedicure as I have a verruca?
Sorry due to the contagious factor we would need you to treat the verruca before you had a pedicure. This would also apply to warts, athletes foot and fungal nail infections, this is to protect your therapist and other clients.

How long does it take for the nail polish to dry?
We use a fast drying top coat so your nails should be ‘touch dry’ after about 5 minutes but they do remain soft for up to an hour. So when having a pedicure we advise wearing home flip flops or open toe shoes that you can easily get your foot into without damaging the polish.

When you have your finger nails done we recommend that you pay before we paint, get anything you may need like keys out of your handbag and not soak your nails e.g. wash dishes for at least 2 hours (or for the rest of the week if you can convince your other half!)

Do you do shellac? What the difference with normal polish?

Yes we do shellac and we use Mavala nail polish that is very gentle on the nail and contains no harmful chemicals to ensure your nails are healthy, strong and beautiful. 
With correct application and proper care (eg not scrubbing the dishes without gloves or gardening with bare hands) manicures can last a good 10 days if not longer and toes will last weeks and when you want to change colour simply take off with acetone free remover and repaint with your new favourite colour.


We use CND Shellac that has been designed to last 14+days without damaging the nails. CND does not require buffing the nails before application which can damage your nails leaving them thin, dry and brittle. If CND Shellac is removed properly (eg not picked off) there should be no damage to your nails and look the same before the shellac was applied.

Some people sadly do report that their nails were left in a poor condition after having shellac. This can be down to the old method of buffing the nails (we do not do this) or (most likely) it was removed incorrectly. We include removal (within 3 weeks) within the price of the application, it does need to be booked and we recommend doing this before you leave. You are able to purchase a home removal kit which we will show you how to use for safe removal.

If you have any concerns we are happy to discuss your options with you.


Do you do extensions? Gel or Acrylic.

The processes used when applying gel or acrylic nails, damage the natural nail and the methods used to remove them are also harsh and damaging. Nails can be left thin, dry, brittle or pitted and this can take a long time to repair and return to what they previously were. The nail plate will be buffed or filed so the extension adheres to it, this thins and weakens the nail and can leave them tender if over done.

How can I keep my polish looking great?

There are a few simple things that you can do to maintain your polish.

  • Avoid soaking in water as this softens the nails and cause the polish to lift or chip.
  • Wear gloves when washing the dishes or gardening.
  • Apply cuticle oil and hand cream to prevent the skin and nails from drying out.
  • Apply a clear top coat or clear polish every few days to renew the shine and minimise wear on the ends.
  • Do not re-apply colour or paint over an existing polish to change your colour as this may lead to staining of your natural nail.
  • Always use a base coat!

The Beauty Spot

The Old Foundry

Polmorla Road

PL27 7NB


Monday 9am - 6pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 6pm

Saturday 9am - 4pm


Use our contact form or simply call us on:


Tel: 01208 815036


On-Line Bookings 

On-Line booking guidelines


*minimum age for online bookings is 18 years old.

We do not do treatments on Children. 


All cancellations must be done by calling 01208 815036 or in person. 24hrs is required otherwise a late cancellation fee will apply. The cost of the treatment will be charged, for missed appointments.


A deposit maybe required and is payable at time of booking online, and will be retained in the case of late cancellaton or No Show.

An automated email will confirm the booking.

For our privacy policy please refer to the contact us page.

Gift Vouchers Available

Call 01208 815036 to purchase over the phone or Online

for any treatment combinations or value. Don't live close by? Please ring us and we can post the voucher on! 


NEW buy an E-Gift Vouchers online just use the button.


CND Shellac Manicures and Pedicures


Long lasting shellac for 14+ days of perfectly painted nails no chipping, no dry time and most importantly no nail damage.


A large selection of colours available with different top coat finishes, lets get creative!


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